Statement of responsability
I hereby declare that on the part of the company BCN GO GO TOURS S.L. B66718073 (brand ROBOT CITY), I have been informed clearly and in depth, with perfect understanding on my part, of the regulations, legislation, safety, risks and the correct specifications of use and of the circulation by the public roads of Segway machine.
I agree to use the Segway machine respecting all users of the public road (pedestrians, walkers, cyclists, motorcycles, cars, trucks, etc.), always following the orders and indications of the guides and employees of the company, as well as the Police, firefighters, ambulances of health, paramedics, and / or any other competent public Authority.
I agree that in the event that I do not follow your instructions, any consequences that may be derived, will be under my sole and entire responsibility, exempting the company from any claim, as well as authorizing it to proceed to any repetitive action towards me.
Moreover I declare that I am in perfect physical and mental condition, fit to take part in the Tour and gathering all the necessary ones to participate in it, for the rent of the Segway machine, and for the circulation with this one by the publics ways, respecting completely all the applicable regulations.
I declare that I do not have any personal circumstances or limitations whatsoever that may make it difficult or risk the use and circulation by public means, in total safety, using the Segway machine.
I declare that I have been informed that it is absolutely forbidden to rent Segways to pregnant people, or people who consume alcohol and / or drugs, and that I am not pregnant nor use alcohol or drugs.
I declare that the company, have made available all the safety information, both of use and handling of the Segway, as well as of circulation by the public road with safety and with respect to the current regulations. In addition I have been given all the security material, the helmet, the security and other accessories, which I have been informed that their use is mandatory.
I declare to use all the mandatory safety equipment, as well as the helmet and its accessories, under my sole and exclusive responsibility throughout the service.
I declare that I am knowledgeable and understand that improper and / or dangerous handling and circulation as a result of my own use, or the use of other participants in the Tour group, may endanger my person, as well as other people from the public road, and produce material damage and / or personal injuries of their own or others.
By signing this responsibility document, I clearly understand all the risks that may exist due to the contracting of the service and I assume all responsibilities, of any kind, for the material damages and / or injuries that may occur, both in my own person, as well as all damages caused in Segway machines, including their loss, theft and / or robbery.
I undertake not to make any claim, for any compensation and/ or any consideration, to the company providing and renting the service for damages or any other concept, since my participation is completely free, informed and voluntary.
I declare expressly that in the case of the Guided Tour, I will carry out an absolutely responsible use and circulation in accordance with current regulations, without endangering my own physical integrity, nor of the companions of the Tour group, nor of all people who are in the public way, and will obey at all times the orders and instructions of the guide.
I declare that at all times I will make responsible use of the Segway appliances and that during traffic in the public road I will always respect the regulations and traffic signs. In case of being denounced and / or sanctioned by the police or any other competent public authority, for any act or fact that could constitute an infraction, in any case, it will be done in my own name, assuming the position of offender / driver / interested or analogous, with all legal responsibility and payment of any fines that may exist, under my sole and entire person, exempting the company from all of it.